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About Me

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Hello everyone, my name is Xe, and I'm thrilled to share a little bit about myself with you. Growing up, my passion for gaming was ignited at a young age with the Commodore C64, a console computer that provided endless hours of entertainment. As I ventured into the world of consoles, the NES caught my attention, but it was the introduction of the first PlayStation that truly captured my heart. Since then, I have remained a dedicated fan of the PlayStation brand, and it continues to be my primary gaming system of choice.


Before my first encounter with the beloved Final Fantasy series, I had already developed a fondness for RPGs. As a European gamer, it was no surprise that Final Fantasy VII became my first foray into this captivating franchise. I can vividly recall stumbling upon a gaming magazine cover story about FFVII and instantly knowing that I had to experience this game for myself.


This initial fascination with Final Fantasy led me down a path of collecting both games and merchandise. For the past 15 years, my collection has grown exponentially, focusing primarily on Final Fantasy-related items such as games, books, figures, and soundtracks. Among my favorites within the franchise are Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Type-0, and World of Final Fantasy, each holding a special place in my gaming journey.


While gaming and Final Fantasy take up a significant portion of my interests, there are other facets of my life worth mentioning. For many years, I was an active member of a melodic death metal band, contributing my skills and passion to the music scene. Unfortunately, due to the demands of work and travel, I had to step away from the band. Additionally, I hold a black belt in taekwondo, a martial art I pursued inspired by my favorite Tekken character, Hwoarang. In my free time, I enjoy playing football (soccer) with friends and have been a devoted fan of the sport for over 30 years.


If you're curious about the pronunciation of my name and the reason behind my choice, let me explain. The name "xEzNa" is derived from the main character's name in my beloved anime, "Angel Sanctuary": Setsuna. The addition of "FF" at the end of the name should be quite evident, as a reference to Final Fantasy. Because in Final Fantasy XIV, you're required to provide both a first and last name for your character. I divided my nickname into "Xe" and "Zna," but it turned out that people started referring to me as "Xe" alone, and that has stuck with me to this day.


Because the majority of websites and social media platforms revolve only around games, I wanted to find a place where I can engage with other Final Fantasy fans, not just about the games, but also about merchandise. It all started with an Instagram account that I created specifically for this purpose after realizing that sharing Final Fantasy related content on my personal profile wasn't interesting to my friends. After starting the page, I initially posted parts of my collection irregularly. However, it gradually evolved into a regular schedule with different themes. I began posting daily and, as I came up with more new ideas, the content portfolio grew rapidly. I started sharing Final Fantasy facts, merchandise, discussion topics, news flash videos, and even regular posts related to other (mostly Japanese) games.

In an effort to reach as many people as possible and showcase various merchandise, I also started posting simultaneously on all social media platforms. Unfortunately, these platforms have been deteriorating every day and are suppressing small content creators. This led me to make the decision to launch this website, where I can be free from algorithms and other restrictions. On the blog, I share all my merchandise-related posts, as well as other content that was previously available on Instagram. Additionally, with the launch of the website, I've also committed to posting all Final Fantasy-related news, announcements, and interviews.

My ambition is clear: I aim to create a unified space where fans and collectors of Final Fantasy can find everything related to the franchise. It will be a platform for us to come together, share our mutual passion, and engage in discussions about the beloved franchise we all cherish.

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