Do you remember this week's Xe's Final Fantasy Fact?
If not, be sure to check it out because it's about today's item!
Legend of the Crystals is the first sequel to a Final Fantasy game ever published. The story is loosely following the story of Final Fantasy V and is happening 200 years after the ending of the game.
After finding the set of both of the VHSs, i instantly needed to buy it.
The set contains 4 OVAs, each 30 min long, split into 2 episodes per tape.
The previous distributor lost the rights for this anime and there was never a release on any other medium than VHS.
Omg I never thought I will be saying VHS and tape in combination with Final Fantasy 😂
Did you ever hear of this anime and that there was a release on VHS?
Who still has a VHS at home?
Name: Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
Publisher: Pioneer Entertainment Europe Limited
Category: Anime
Platform: VHS
Release Year: 1998
Quality: ★★★☆☆
Price: ★★★☆☆
Rarity: ★★★★☆
Condition: ★★★★☆