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Anime - VHS - Final Fantasy Legend of the Crystals

Do you remember this week's Xe's Final Fantasy Fact?

If not, be sure to check it out because it's about today's item!

Legend of the Crystals is the first sequel to a Final Fantasy game ever published. The story is loosely following the story of Final Fantasy V and is happening 200 years after the ending of the game.

After finding the set of both of the VHSs, i instantly needed to buy it.

The set contains 4 OVAs, each 30 min long, split into 2 episodes per tape.

The previous distributor lost the rights for this anime and there was never a release on any other medium than VHS.

Omg I never thought I will be saying VHS and tape in combination with Final Fantasy 😂

Did you ever hear of this anime and that there was a release on VHS?

Who still has a VHS at home?


Name: Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals

Publisher: Pioneer Entertainment Europe Limited

Category: Anime

Platform: VHS

Release Year: 1998

Quality: ★★★☆☆

Price: ★★★☆☆

Rarity: ★★★★☆

Condition: ★★★★☆


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