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Artbook - Miniature Final Fantasy No Adventure Too Large

Today's post is a small and rather funny book, that probably many are not familiar with.

The Book "Miniature Final Fantasy: No Adventure Too Large" was published by Dark Horse in 2019 and contains pictures from the Japanese photographer Tatsuya Tanaka. What makes this book funny and special is, that Tanaka used every day's items to recreate various famous and iconic shots known from the Final Fantasy series. Chilies as the Fire spell? Check! A PS2 Blu-ray as water reflection? Check! The FFXV boys camping on a cup of noodles?! Check!

This book, while small, contains a lot of creative and interesting concepts. Additionally it also shows a "making of" of the pictures, side by side comparisons with the concept art and even some trivia.

If you are interested in this book, it is widely available at Amazon and other book stores for around 20€. Not really cheap for only 96 pages but it's definitely an interesting piece to read.

Check out all pictures for examples included in the book.

What do you think of this book and the Final Fantasy Miniatures?


Name: Miniature Final Fantasy: No Adventure Too Large

Author: Tatsuya Tanaka

Publisher: Dark Horse Books

Category: Book

Language: English

Release Year: 2019

Pages: 96

💎Quality: ★★★★★

💰Price: ★★☆☆☆

🍀Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆

⭐Condition: ★★★★★


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