This controller was released alongside the original Final Fantasy XIV Online before it underwent a reboot as FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, which is the version known today. It clearly reflects the developers' confidence in the game's controller compatibility, as they released a dedicated gamepad for it. The controller is smiliar to a PS3 Dual Shock but with slightly longer grips. The haptics are on the more economical side and can't quite match up to the original Sony gamepad.
This was the first piece of merchandise I ever bought that wasn't a figure or book. The price I paid is truly unbeatable - just 1 Euro! 🤣 (Well, maybe if you get it for free 😂). It was one of those auctions where you bid and win because no one else cared for it. 😂 The prices for these controllers now range from 20€ to 80€, but 20€ seems about right for it..
How do you feel about PC and console peripherals branded with a specific game? Do you own any similar controllers, mice, or perhaps just a mousepad?
Name: Final Fantasy XIV Game Controller
Publisher: Snakebyte
Category: Controller
Platform: PC
Release Year: 2010
💎Quality: ★★★☆☆
💰Price: ★★☆☆☆
🍀Rarity: ★★☆☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★★★