I actually never saw anyone I follow posting this game so far (maybe my memory is failing me 😂) , so I thought today I will finally make a post about it.
This is the Final Fantasy Origins before it was called Final Fantasy Origins. This version for the Famicom was released 1994 and contains the first two games.
Both games are coming in almost original versions. Only some errors were corrected and some monster designs were altered.
This compilation was never released outside of Japan and many in EU and NA probably know the compilation only in the form of the PS1 or GBA remakes.
I am not a big fan of the packaging as it is bigger than the conventional Famicom/super Famicom or nes/snes format and I still didn't found a fitting protector for it. But at least it got a big chocobo on it 😅
Because of the confusing name, it's hard to find when being flooded with all the GBA and PSP games. The game is not that rare in Japan and can be found for around 30-50€.
Were you familiar with this release of FFI and II?
Name: Final Fantasy I∙II
Publisher: Square
Category: Game
Platform: Famicom
Language: Japanese
Release Year: 1994
💎Quality: ★★★★★
💰Price: ★★☆☆☆
🍀Rarity: ★★☆☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★☆☆