Because I enjoy decorating every possible space in my office and using it to display more Final Fantasy merchandise, a few months ago, I finally decided to decorate my door. For a very long time, I was experimenting with what to do with it. After trying out a basketball hoop that I used during boring meetings and a hanging shelf that became an eyesore after a while, I finally found the perfect solution. I bought some additional "Mousepads" and attached them with a looot of double-sided tape. I pondered for a while about which games I wanted to use for this "project". For those who know me, my choice of FFVII, FFVIII, and FFXIII comes as no surprise. However, I couldn't decide on the fourth one! Since Square Enix only released those mouse pads for the main entries and FFVII spinoffs (consider me surprised), I couldn't add another of my top 5 favorite FF games. As you can see, I decided to go with FFX. Even though it's not my top FF game, it's one that I still really like and plan to replay soon. I also plan to fill the empty spaces in the future with something and might post an update later on. The current state will be the view I'll be enjoying for now. 😅 How do you like the decoration on my door? Do you decorate your doors, or do you leave them empty and clean?