While we are still waiting for Square Enix to announce a new entry in the FF Tactics series, I wanted to show you the really popular Square Millennium Collection edition of the PS1 game.
The disc art features artwork of a Squire riding a chocobo. With the collection is a Zodiac Clock, a quartz table clock, and the Final Fantasy Tactics Character & Job Playing Cards, a set of playing cards featuring artwork of jobs and characters from Final Fantasy Tactics.
I miss how much love and thought went into this kind of editions in the past instead of squeezing even more expensive figures.
This version can be found for around 200-250€ what definitely doesn't make it a bargain. But if you are a big fan of the Tactics games, this is a must-have!
How do you like the Millennium Collection version of FF tactics
Name Final Fantasy Tactics - Square Millennium Collection
Publisher Squaresoft
Category Game
Platform PS1
Language Japanese
Release Year 2000
💎Quality ★★★★★
💰Price ★★★☆☆
🍀Rarity ★★★☆☆
⭐Condition ★★★★★