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Exquisite Beef Stew

Updated: Jun 16, 2023

You voted for more posts of food from the FFXIV Cookbook. So we are back with the newest recipe we tried out last week. I plan to make one post of different dishes at the end of every month.

I love eating stews of any kind and am really judgy about those. Even more curious I was about the recipe from the book. Luckily it doesn't include any exotic ingredients and everything should be available in any more or less well-equipped kitchen.

We reduced the amount of ingredients by half and ended up with exactly two portions of the stew. The preparations are taking about 1 hour including cutting of all the stuff and pre frying of the meet. In the end, you let the stew slow cook for about 2,5-3 hours.

Time: 3,5Hours (30min preparation + 30min frying + 2,5hour slow cooking)

Difficulty: Easy

Costs: Medium

Taste: ★★★★★

Result: 4 Portions

Verdict: I can definitely recommend this recipe. The stew was delicious and i especially liked the big chunks of meat and vegetables. Should keep the amount of ingredients from the book, because I could easily eat another 2 portions 😅

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