The next two Thursdays, I planned to make different posts. The year 2022 is almost over, and I would like to start two hashtags that everyone is welcome to participate in!
While the #gamesifinished2022 is meant for games we managed to finish this year (duh!), #gamesidropped2022 is meant for games we started, but didn't continue. This could be because the game was too difficult, we didn't like it, were disappointed, or got distracted by other more interesting games! Tag me if you participate! 😊
Today I will show you my #gamesidropped2022 list!
- République
This is my second chance that I gave this game. While it is fascinating and fun in the beginning, I got bored with the gameplay after just a few hours. It was promising, but couldn't keep me interested.
- Deus Ex
Okay. I am not the biggest stealth player, but i still wanted to give it a go since i played the original game on the PC. Unfortunately, i thought it feels overloaded and the weapons feel like nail guns 😅
- Bravely Default II
It was the first game i got for my Switch and just tried it out, but got interrupted by SoP release. Planing to play it when going on holiday next year!
- Returnal
The game felt great in the beginning (especially the gunplay) and also the story and mechanics were intriguing, but after playing for few hours I also lost interest in the repetition that is basically the core of the game. I am sure it's fun for many, but it didn't motivate me to continue and try to finish it.
- The Surge
After playing Code Vein, i wanted another challenging game. While the mobs are fun to fight, the first boss is terrible and I simply didn't git gud 😂
- Nier Automata
This is the game most of you will probably lynch me for. For the third time I really tried to finish it and got distracted by Resident Evil 2. I really want to finish it one day, since it's considered a "masterpiece" by many. Let's hope it will be a #gamesifinished2023 😂
What are your games that you didn't finish this year?
