After many novels, Ultimanias and Japanese books, today I decided to post not only a normal strategy guide but even one in English! 😱
This is the guide that was released not for the original games, but for the remastered versions released in 2013.
On over 300 pages you will find map illustrations, descriptions of the mini-games, enemy data and much more. Everything printed in good quality and vibrant colors. The pages could be thicker but nothing we wouldn't already know from previous Brady Games books.
This book definitely offers everything that is necessary to 100% both games.
It is already 8 years old and because of the popularity of Final Fantasy X the price of this guide is pretty high now. I bought this book for 17€ at the release of the game and now, an offer of 50€ is already being considered cheap. For fans of FFX and FFX-2 definitely a must-have and an item worth looking for.
How do you like this FFX/X-2 strategy guide?
And do you like guidebooks in general?
P.s. I also loved my wife's idea for the shot so I included it in the last slide.
Name: Final Fantasy X-X2 HD Remaster: Official Strategy Guide
Author: Joe Epstein
Publisher: BradyGames
Category: Guide
Language: English
Release Year: 2014
Pages: 304
💎Quality: ★★★★☆
💰Price: ★★☆☆☆
🍀Rarity: ★★★☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★★★