The story is really confusing at first, and especially the overuse of clones can make people lose track of what is really happening.. Genesis is a really annoying antagonist and his "Loveless" quotes just made me cringe. The dialogs are feeling really wooden and especially the pauses between the sentences are killing the pace. FFVII fans will still love it, but I understand how many newcomers are not considering the story good, as it didn't age really well.
The gameplay is definitely the highlight of the game. The fights are action loaded and are a lot of fun as soon you learn the effective use and fusion of the materias. The mini-games are a nice change and not really frustrating (except the sniper mini-game maybe 😅)
Story: 15-20 hours, platinum trophy: 35-40 hours. The optional missions are stretching the playtime significantly, but are also really tedious after a while. The game offers a NG+ in which you can complete all the missed missions and trophies.
SE did an awesome job modernizing the completely outdated graphics of the PSP game. It feels butter smooth on PS5 and if you keep in mind what the source material was, it looks great. Unfortunately, especially the quality of the CGI scenes is not consistent, what I don't understand considering the amount of work they already put into this game.
Music: The music, like almost all Final Fantasy games, is top-notch. The soundtrack contains remixes of songs from original Final Fantasy VII and The Last Order.
Verdict: Definitely one of the best remasters out there. Clear recommendation to people that never played the original but love FFVII, or veterans that were craving to replay the game on modern consoles. I can't 100% recommend it to all other people, because without having the connection to the other FFVII entries, the story telling and the graphics compared to FFVIIR might be a turn off.
Story: ★★★☆☆
Gameplay: ★★★★★
Content: ★★★☆☆
Graphics: ★★★★☆
Music: ★★★★★
Final Rating: ★★★★☆