Miyabi Hasegawa, a Japanese book writer, wrote 32 novels taking place in the world of Final Fantasy XI. Most of them were only released in Japan, but 10 of those books were also translated into German and published by Panini Books. As far as i know those books are not available in English. (Only other version is French)
The here shown, first three volumes of the novels, are telling an ongoing story of a warrior named Alfred and his crew experiencing dangerous adventures in the world of Vana´diel.
The books received mixed reviews and are criticized for lack of detailed descriptions of the world and explanation of the magic mechanics.
The novels were sold for 9,95€, when they were released, but can be now found in used condition for just few Euros. If you are interested in checking them out (if you know German of course 😅) you can find them on many platforms selling used books. I saw them on Amazon for 2-3 Euro. 😁
Are you a fan of novels taking place in the world of your favorite games?
Name: Final Fantasy XI Novels Vol 1,2&3
Author: Miyabi Hasegawa
Publisher: Panini Books
Category: Book
Language: German
Release Year: 2006
Pages: 304
💎Quality: ★★★★★
💰Price: ★★★★☆
🍀Rarity: ★★★☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★★★