Today, we're journeying back to November 2014, when Square Enix unveiled a limited "Game of the Year" edition of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, exclusively for PC. A real gem for any collector, this edition came packaged in a high-quality, printed "Book of Diamonds" Grimoire box.
Inside the box, alongside the main game, players found 5 exclusive art cards and a digital timecard for an extra 60 free days of adventuring in the realms of Eorzea. Combining this with the included 30 days of playtime, players got a whopping 90 days of playtime. Quite a deal, wouldn't you say?
This edition also offered access to all the updates till that date, including "A Realm Awoken", "Through the Maelstrom", "Defenders of Eorzea", and "Dreams of Ice". It was a full-package experience, originally available for just 39,99€.
Fast-forward to today, and this edition has become a rarity, especially in new condition. So, if you happen to spot it at a reasonable price, it might just be a worthy addition to your collection.
How do you feel about this "Game of the Year" edition of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn? Did any of you manage to snag one when it first came out?
Name: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Game of the Year Edition
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Game
Platform: PC
Language: Multilingual
Release Year: 2014
💎Quality: ★★★★★
💰Price: ★★★☆☆
🍀Rarity: ★★★★☆
⭐Condition: ★★★★★