Another contribution to #31daysinthecrypt hosted by @king_lizzard and @_lachrymal!
Clive Barker's Jericho is a horror first-person shooter video game produced by Clive Barker. Duh! Who is Clive Barker you ask? Clive Barker is especially famous for the Hellraiser movies and also The Books of Abarat novel series.
In the game you take control of a special forces team of seven persons, that are trying to prevent the flow of evil energy into their reality. Every character posses special abilities and play a different role in the team. For example, we got a psychic with healing abilities and a summoner that is also able to slow down the time.
The games visual representation delievers a great experience for all fans of dark horror fantasies. The atmosphere is best described as intense and creepy in combination with a pretty good story. If you are a fan of Clive Barker's works, this game is a must play for you! Available for PS3 and X360.
Any Hellraiser fans here?
Are you familiar with Jericho?
Name: Clive Barker's Jericho
Platform: PS3/X360
Developer: MercurySteam
Publisher: Codemasters
Genre: First-person shooter
Region: WW
Release Year: 2007
