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In 2019, SE released the remastered edition of Final Fantasy VIII. What's definitely weird is why they decided to release this as a standalone when it was included in a double pack bundled with FFVII for the Switch. Strangely, they haven't made the original FFVII available in a physical format for any PlayStation console beyond the PS1. This raises the question - why?
Why did they combine both games for the Switch, but not for the PS4?
Hey, @squareenix, we're still waiting for the PlayStation release of the original FFVII!
It's worth noting that the Switch and PS4 versions are practically identical. Both contain graphical enhancements, finally putting an end to the infamous "Best looking guy" meme. Additionally, they come with quality of life improvements such as a 3x speed boost, the option to avoid random encounters, and unlimited Limit Breaks. Undoubtedly, this version is a splendid choice for those diving into the game for the first time. And if you're more interested in the narrative, the included "cheats" allow you to focus solely on the story.
Criticism has also been directed at the somewhat uninspired cover design. What are your thoughts on this?
By the way, have you had a chance to experience the remastered edition of FFVIII?
Name: Final Fantasy VIII Remastered
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Game
Platform: PS4
Language: Multilingual
Release Year: 2019
💎Quality: ★★★★★
💰Price: ★★★☆☆
🍀Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★★★