Time for another great deal:
Presenting Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition!
Especially now, I've noticed a significant interest in the Final Fantasy community from people who've played Final Fantasy XVI and are open to experiencing another action-oriented installment in the series or want to give it a go again.
Short: This game has certainly divided the fan base (that's new!🙃). Some adore it, while others aren't quite as "enthusiastic".
FFXV completely removed the ATB/Turn-Based system and leaned much more towards action compared to other main series entries. This sometimes resulted in chaotic fights, making it easy to lose track of the battlefield. On the flip side, it brought a refreshing change of pace. Square Enix's willingness to innovate is evident once again, as is customary with each new main entry in the series.
The graphics in this game are stunning. First encounters with the summons or the fight against Adamantoise are definite highlights for me. For those who've played the game, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
It offers one of the easier platinum trophies, without the need to complete any tedious and challenging mini-games. (Fishing, in comparison to activities like jumping rope in FFIX or dodging lightning bolts in FFX, is remarkably straightforward.)
New features introduced in the Royal Edition:
- A new dungeon leading directly to the game's climactic finale
- First-Person View mode, allowing players to experience Eos through Noctis's eyes
- New gear, bosses, and more
- Additional Trophies
Season Pass content includes:
- Episode Gladiolus
- Episode Prompto
- Episode Ignis
- Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades
Also, the artwork of the ASIA and NA versions is truly impressive!
If you haven't played it yet, I recommend giving it a shot. It's still an immensely enjoyable game, and it's currently available at a retail price of only around 15-20€.
What are your thoughts on Final Fantasy XV?
Name: Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Game
Platform: PS4
Language: Multi
Release Year: 2018
💎Quality: ★★★★★
💰Price: ★★★★☆
🍀Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★★★