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PS4 - Gravity Rush

This month I finished two games from my backlog and I didn't know which one to show first. For a little change of genres, I decided to go with Gravity Rush.

Gravity Rush is a platform adventure telling a story of a girl named Kat, who lost her memories, wakes up in a floating city and is being accompanied by a mysterious cat.

In an open world you are discovering the city of Hekseville and while trying to get your memories back, you are helping the towns people by completing various side missions and challenges.

The highlight of the game is Kat's skill set that let you manipulate gravity and launch various gravity related attacks. It's a really amazing feeling to float through the city, slide on the ground and attack the Nevi named enemies.

The art style is really nice and despite not being a native PS4 game, still looks appealing and, in my opinion, will age really well.

The PS4 version is a remastered of the PS Vita game released in 2012 that beside graphical improvements also contains all DLCs.

Even though the game has its weaknesses, like slow interactions and sometimes imprecise controls, it is still plenty of fun! Kat is a really likable character and also the story keeps you interested what is coming next and what will be revealed towards the end. Clear recommendation for all fans of adventure games!

Now i will definitely look out for Gravity Rush 2!


Name: Gravity Rush

Platform: PS4

Developer: Japan Studio

Publisher: Sony

Genre: Adventure Platformer

Region: WW

Release Year: 2016


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