I had other post ready for today, but because i just finished another game, i decided to post it first. What?!?! I finished two games in one month? What sorcery is that?! Okay, it was not a really long one.
Many of you were recommending me to play the RE2 remake that was waiting on the pile of shame since i bought it 2 years ago during Black Friday. Especially my wife, as a big zombie fan, was nagging at me all the time to play it and i had to finally give it a go.
I played the original release manyyy years ago and have to say that the game is mostly really well done and catches the feeling of the original. I definitely agree with the majority of you that were praising the remake.
Both playthroughs with Leon and Claire took me around 12 hours to finish. The game is not challenging on the normal difficulty and also the puzzles are rather on the easy side. The graphics are looking really nice, especially with the free PS5 update containing 4k and 120 fps improvements. The story is okay, but really nothing worth mentioning. It's a known story after all. The atmosphere is great and it was really fun to experience the original in a more fleshed out design.
The game is not perfect and there were few things that were bugging me. The same annoying and way too long animations when being attacked by zombies were driving me crazy at the end of the game. Also, the movement of the characters is way too slow, even while running. If someone is chasing you and that's how you run away, maybe you deserve to die 😂 The second playthrough is rather boring as the puzzles are almost the same and it doesn't make sense to me, how both characters are in the same building and meet each other only once... I don't want to spoil anything, but the beginning of Claire's campaign made me shake my head after i already played with Leon.
It was an overall great game and i recommend it to any fan of the series and the original
Have you played the Resident Evil 2 remake or the original?
Name: Resident Evil 2
Platform: PS4
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Survival Horror
Region: WW
Release Year: 2019
