This post is a contribution to #31daysinthecrypt hosted by @king_lizzard and @_lachrymal where they post Spooktober related games, all month long. Be sure to also check out my buddies @stylish_neerd, @blackmateria_retroverse, @collect_videogames, @wallocollect and @tora_retrogames that are daily contributing to this hashtag as well!
Resident Evil VII is one of the games that took me multiple tries until I finally decided to push through and finish. Not because the game is bad, but I tend to start games and don't come back after the first session. But now it's done!
After the two, previous, more action oriented entries in the series, this one is finally back to the roots and concentrates on being scary and creates a tense atmosphere that lasts for a major part of the game.
The horror experience is superb and on point. I played the game not only in the normal mode but also using my PSVR. Luckily I have a baby at home, because the diapers are coming handy while playing this game in VR. This is what the definition of horror is! I really loved how permanently you don't know what to expect and how slow you tend to walk through the levels when you feel like being really there.
Unfortunately, while many praised exactly this aspect of the game, I think that the second part of the game is dragging and I wasn't a fan of. Maybe it's just me, but this is where the game lost all of its horror and went the RE6 route..
Overall, Resident Evil 7 is still a really good game and a must-play for all fans of horror games. If you complained about RE5 and RE6 I am sure you will love this one.
Name: Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
Platform: PS4
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Survival Horror
Region: WW
Release Year: 2017
