What is this?! Another food post?
Damn right it is! But of course it's related to gaming and especially Final Fantasy!
Two weeks ago the official Final Fantasy XIV cookbook was released. My wife and I decided to instantly try the recipes included in the book.
It's Christmas season, so our decision fell on the Sesame Cookies recipe.
The book gives you information about the difficulty and time, but I will give you the information of how much we really needed and most important, how it tastes.
Time: 2 Hours (20min prep + 1hour rest + 40min backing)
Difficulty: Medium
Costs: Medium (Black Sesame is pricey)
Taste: ★★★★☆
Result: 35 cookies 20g each
Hint: We needed to reduce the salt because the first batch of the cookies was too salty.
Verdict: Those cookies are really yummy and also not difficult to make. I think ours are looking pretty close to the picture. A clear recommendation!
What is your opinion about those cookies?
Would you like to try them?
Do you want to see more of the recipes from the book in the future?