I wasn't sure If I should review the DLC, but after talking and hearing @kardynaj opinion, I decided to make a post just to warn everyone that is considering buying it. While both of us a rare breed and we would call us fans of Stranger of Paradise, we had the same opinion about the first expansion of the game.
What is the content of the first DLC?
- New difficulty: Bahamut
- New bosses: Warrior of Light & Bahamut
- 3 new jobs: Pilgrim, Evoker, Summoner
- New max gear level: 400
- New weapon type: Staff
- New equipment category: Accessory
- Playing as other characters
While the list of additional content sounds really interesting and made me look forward to finally play it, I will tell you how the DLC works and what caveats it's having.
After the purchase the DLC continues where the base game stopped
You are facing the Warrior of Light. The fight was surprisingly easy and i was disappointed that it's just happening like that.. No big introduction or anything. After some cutscenes you are talking to Bahamut and he introduces you to his Trials, where you prove that you are worthy. Sounds interesting? It isn't...
You need to collect a new kind of currency to progress the "story" . You have to redo the old levels with the option to activate modifiers, making the levels even harder, but rewarding you with more coins. After gaining enough coins you go to Bahamut, he then says 3 sentences and you need to collect more coins to unlock the next dialog until you finally face him.. Seriously?! That's it?! So much potential and this is what they came up with? Arghhhhh...
Additionally, all the content is locked to the Bahamut difficulty, making it completely useless for people that just want to experience the story. My level 300 characters were one-hitted by every boss and forced me to play in coop to gather lvl 400 gear first. The whole DLC revolves around grinding on the extremely high difficulty. If you love challenges you will like it. if not, don't even bother.
What do you think of the first SoP Dlc?
P.S. The DLC is only available as part of the Season Pass and can't be purchased separately.