This is one of the items from my collection that will always be an eyesore, and I'll explain two reasons below.
Supposedly, this is a double pack containing both games... or so you would think! Do you see this big ugly white stripe on top? Yes, FFX-2 is only included as a download code! I HATE THIS! They did the same thing with the EU Vita version. However, the Asian Version, of course, contains both games on one cartridge. Why are you still treating your EU and NA fans as second-class? Why are we, once again, getting the short end of the stick? Why am I paying the same or even a higher price just to get a lower quality product because you want to save some money and diminish the value of resale?
I am a fan of both games. Yes, I said both! FFX is not my most favorite game, but I am still a big fan. FFX-2, while not the most popular and a pretty controversial title, still has a really fun fighting system. I also love the Destiny's Child trio xD (Especially Paine, being my personal favorite).
If you look closely at the picture, you will see that the foil on the front has an ugly glue stain in the middle... I was so mad seeing this. I bought this game brand new in a store of the biggest electronic chains in Germany. Whose stupid idea was it to put a sticker with this kind of glue on a game?! It NEVER happened with stickers of games that I got from Japan. I will forever remember never to buy my FF games there anymore. It's a real eyesore to me and I might replace it one day.
What do you think of games not being included on the cartridge?
Name: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Game
Platform: Switch
Language: Multilingual
Release Year: 2019
💎Quality: ★★☆☆☆
💰Price: ★★☆☆☆
🍀Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★☆☆
Available for purchase at Play-Asia (worldwide shipping):
Disclaimer: xEzNaFF is affiliated with HobbyLink Japan, Play-Asia, and CDJapan.