This will be another world premiere 😂
Typically, I only post games that I have played in the past or have just finished playing myself. However, this time I am writing a post about a game that my wife just completed. 😅
At the beginning of last year, my wife purchased a Switch Lite primarily for playing Jrpgs. She started with Fire Emblem and Ni no Kuni. Although she had never been interested in Zelda, she heard many good things about it from friends and how it's a must-play game. My wife tends to be more focused on saving money (unlike me 😂), so the price tag of 50+ euros for a five-year-old game initially discouraged her from making the purchase. But given my nature, I bought it for her anyway. 🤷
After investing over 240 hours playing, she finally called it a day and completed the final battle. I guess, in the end, it was worth the money 😂
So, for a change, instead of me writing a lengthy paragraph to tell you about the game, I would like to ask: Have you played Zelda: Breath of the Wild? What did you enjoy about it?
PS. I mentioned it some time ago in my stories, but the Link plushie you can see in the picture was given to me by a friend for my "Final Fantasy Collection." And, of course, she knew exactly what she was doing 😅
Name: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Platform: WiiU/Switch
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Action Adventure
Region: WW
Release Year: 2017
