Time for another controversial title from the Final Fantasy franchise. This one is even seen as controversial within the FFXIII trilogy itself.
Lightning Returns concludes the story of the trilogy and offers a more action oriented gameplay. The game has a timer that runs continuously where, on normal difficulty, one hour in real life equals one day in the game. There are ways to extend the timer by doing quests and gaining extra time. If the time is over the Apocalypse is happening and the player have to start the game from beginning, but carries over most of the stuff like equipment and XP.
The game is played in the third person and allows us to take control of Lightning as the main character. The fighting system is a mix of FFXIII that is paradigm based and FFX-2 where we can change costumes and this way get access to different skills.
Even though not everyone is a fan of this game and Square Enix's experiments, we all can agree that the included steelbook is beautiful and is also one of my personal favorites.
Right now I am really hoping Square Enix will finally announce the remastered trilogy for the PS5 during the 35th anniversary celebration. It's the only modern FF game not playable on the current gen. 🙄
Have you played Lightning Returns?
How do you like this steelbook?
Name: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Publisher: Square Enix
Category: Game
Platform: Xbox 360
Language: Multilingual
Release Year: 2013
💎Quality: ★★★★★
💰Price: ★★☆☆☆
🍀Rarity: ★☆☆☆☆
⭐Condition: ★★★☆☆
